How to help dyslexic students in the language classroom

How to help dyslexic students in the language classroom

27 Mar, 2023
About The Course




Bisceglie (Apulia Regione) – ITALY 



  • School principals & directors (primary & secondary)
  • Teachers (primary & secondary)
  • Educational Advisors
  • Community leaders
  • Community workers
  • Social workers
  • NGO‘s working with minority groups, migrants & refugees
  • Civil organisation staff

Learning outcomes

  • become more familiar with the Italian Education System and Italian culture
  • learn how to recognise the traits of dyslexia and make an early diagnosis
  • encourage communication between school and families to increase motivation and self-esteem for pupils and teachers.
  • build up effective cognitive and metacognitive strategies
  • improve  teaching and learning skills addressed to students with dyslexia.
  • evaluate and reuse different classroom teaching and learning strategies in one’s own context.
  • Share experiences and expertise with teachers from other european countries to develop a professional group network.
  •  promote European cooperation in the field of education within the framework of the Erasmus+ program by partnership building


Ask to us the complete progamme.

Training programme

Content of training classes

  • Warning signs and associated problems in the pre-primary school; signs and symptoms of dyslexia in schools with children aged  5/15.
  • Organization of activities, time and spaces in the classroom and at home
  • Didactic and educational direction for the teachers; the construction of a structured lesson
  • Relationship and school mediation
  • Theoretical introduction: classification, epidemiology, associated disorders, develop mental aspects and prognostic
  • The tools available for teachers to identify people at risk
  • Strategies for teachers for reinforcement systems
  • Strategies for the management of the school-family relationship
  • The Special Support Plan (SSP)
  • Training for parents and colleagues

 Practical Training

  • Educational labs: Visual modality approach; Auditory modality approach; Kinesthetic modality approach
  • Computer and software for dyslexia: when, where and how
  • Visit to primary schools: meeting with Headmaster and teachers; job-shadowing and focus on used methods for Dyslexia and ADHD
  • Watching movies on the topic and discussion
  • Analysis and discussion of cases
  • Meetings with professionals in the field (GLH operating)
  • Construction of a Special Support Plan (SSP)

Note: The program is just a draft and can be modified based on the needs and preferences of the participants and the instructor. The pace of the lessons can be adjusted to accommodate different levels of language proficiency, and additional topics can be added if necessary.

CERTIFICATE: Certificate of attendance, including a description of the course content; Europass certificates on request.

PRICE: 480 euros


SCHEDULE:  classes can take place in the Morning (9:00 – 13:00) or afternoon (15.00 – 19.00).

COURSE PROGRAM AND VENUE: The definite schedule will be sent to the participants approximately 3 weeks before the course.

Any changes to the course are at the instructor’s discretion




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