A new approach to science: using smartphones as a pocket lab

A new approach to science: using smartphones as a pocket lab

27 Mar, 2023
About The Course




Bisceglie (Apulia Regione) – ITALY 


This course is designed for teachers who want to explore innovative ways of teaching science using smartphones as a pocket lab. Participants will learn how to use smartphone sensors to collect data on various physical phenomena, analyze the data using scientific methods, and draw conclusions based on their findings. The course will also cover how to integrate smartphone-based experiments into existing science curricula and how to address common challenges and limitations.


  • School principals & directors (primary & secondary)
  • Teachers (primary & secondary)
  • Educational Advisors
  • Community leaders
  • Community workers
  • Social workers
  • NGO‘s working with minority groups, migrants & refugees
  • Civil organisation staff

Learning outcomes

  • To introduce teachers to the concept of using smartphones as a pocket lab in science education
  • To provide hands-on experience in using smartphone sensors to collect and analyze data on physical phenomena
  • To explore how to integrate smartphone-based experiments into existing science curricula
  • To identify common challenges and limitations of using smartphones as a pocket lab and how to address them
  • To promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills among students through smartphone-based experiments


Day 1:

  • Introduction to smartphone sensors and their applications in science education
  • Hands-on experience in using smartphone sensors to collect data on temperature, light, sound, and motion
  • Analysis of collected data using scientific methods
  • Discussion on the advantages and limitations of using smartphones as a pocket lab in science education

Day 2:

  • Integration of smartphone-based experiments into existing science curricula
  • Designing and implementing smartphone-based experiments for different grade levels and subject areas
  • Collaborative group work on developing lesson plans that incorporate smartphone-based experiments
  • Discussion on best practices for using smartphones as a pocket lab in the classroom

Day 3:

  • Addressing common challenges and limitations of using smartphones as a pocket lab
  • Troubleshooting common technical issues that may arise during experiments
  • Strategies for dealing with limited access to smartphones or poor network connectivity
  • Discussion on ethical and privacy considerations when using smartphones in the classroom

Day 4:

  • Exploration of advanced smartphone sensors and their applications in science education
  • Hands-on experience in using advanced sensors to collect data on environmental factors such as air quality, humidity, and atmospheric pressure
  • Analysis of collected data using scientific methods
  • Discussion on how to incorporate advanced smartphone-based experiments into science curricula

Day 5:

  • Collaborative project work on developing a comprehensive lesson plan that incorporates smartphone-based experiments
  • Group presentation and feedback on project work
  • Course evaluation and feedback

Course Format: The course will be held over five consecutive days, with each day consisting of a mixture of lecture-style instruction, hands-on experimentation, group work, and discussion. Participants will be expected to actively engage in the course and complete a collaborative project that demonstrates their understanding and application of the course content.

Note: The program is just a draft and can be modified based on the needs and preferences of the participants and the instructor. The pace of the lessons can be adjusted to accommodate different levels of language proficiency, and additional topics can be added if necessary.


CERTIFICATE: Certificate of attendance, including a description of the course content; Europass certificates on request.

PRICE: 480 euros


SCHEDULE:  classes can take place in the Morning (9:00 – 13:00) or afternoon (15.00 – 19.00).

COURSE PROGRAM AND VENUE: The definite schedule will be sent to the participants approximately 3 weeks before the course.

 Any changes to the course are at the instructor’s discretion




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20 Courses 0 Student